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The school was handed over to the state on 28 February 2008.

This school is located in a small village, Qanyengesh outside the community of Dongobesh. We were called to the scene after the villagers had heard about the school project in Yamay. We discovered that only the foundations of the school were completed. The foundation had been there since 2003 without being built on. This was due to the long-term drought that prevailed and therefore the villagers could not collect more money.

As in so many other places, the villagers derive their income from selling parts of their maize harvest. When the harvests fail, there is no money needed for the village's joint ventures.

Since it is a long way for the children to walk to school, up to 8 km, in the scorching sun, many children choose to stay at home until they are a little older.

Project School building
Gotte Stenroos School inaugurated 18/4 09
Location:Qanyengesh, Labay
The entire school building is sponsored by Kinna Pentecostal Church in Sweden!

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