Help that reaches! None of what you give goes to administartion!

Gottfrid and Ulla Stenroos

Gottfrid Stenroos

ABOUT US ...........

Ulla and Gottfrid Stenroos started work in Tanzania in 1977 and have worked there in various stages with, among other things, village healthcare training, healthcare and orphanages in different parts of the country.

During the years in Africa, they have helped many poor and sick people in different villages and communities. They have distributed large amounts of corn to those in need and built several houses for single mothers with many children and they have built two preschools that accommodate 100 children. They have also built 4 primary schools which have been handed over to the authorities in the respective villages.

They have for many years built up a large area in Dongobesh with many buildings. In the area there are 3 buildings that house 242 boarding students, 1 secondary school that houses 6 classrooms and a nursing school, 1 building that includes 2 dining rooms and 2 kitchens and 5 guest rooms. There is also a building for theology students.

Since Ulla passed away in December 2018, Gottfrid has continued the work in Tanzania.

Today there are about 80 secondary students (only girls) who study, live and eat in the area. Many of these lack money for school fees and they study for free. To send a girl to school, it costs 35 euros/month. There are also 16 sewing school students, their training is 5 months long.

Join us and contribute and give the girls a good education and a better future!

Help that reaches!